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Physical Therapist


We do things differently at Precision Health and Performance so we're sure you may have some questions.

What do you offer at Precision Health and Performance?


We are dedicated to helping people find solutions to live a healthy, pain free life. For us that includes taking care of the whole person using the most effective tools to treat the root cause of your problems. We offer in-person manual therapy as well as online consulting for genetic testing and exercise.

Can you tell me more about the Genetic Testing you offer?


Genetics play an major role in the development of disease; however, dietary and lifestyle factors can greatly influence your risk of chronic health conditions. We identify which diseases you may be more at risk of developing and how to reduce your risk. Specifically, we identify markers related to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmunity, weight management exercise considerations, nutrient deficiencies and more. Knowing your predetermined strengths and weaknesses is a great place to start your journey! See our supplements page for more information. 

What is different about Precision Performance Therapy?


The short answer is just about everything! We pride ourselves in specializing in the most effective and efficient treatment approach. We have taken many advanced courses and have a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology and pathology. By applying our knowledge to your problem, we can address the root cause. For you this means not only are your symptoms relieved, but the underlying cause is also resolved, which results in a more comprehensive solution. Our goal is to get you feeling better as quickly as possible AND that the treatment lasts!

What should I expect at my appointment?


Your initial appointment includes a health history, physical exam and short treatment. Subsequent appointments include re-assessment of the problem and longer treatment. Each appointment is 1 hour long and is conducted in a private room. We ask that you bring shorts or a t-shirt, depending on the area of concern. Treatment is specific to your needs and includes a combination of soft tissue and joint mobilizations, medical acupuncture, far infrared heat, specific  exercise for homecare and general nutritional recommendations.

Why are your treatments 1 hour?


Because we are addressing the deeper cause of the problem, the body needs time to respond. We spend an hour 1:1 directly with you in order to create immediate and lasting change that cannot be accomplished in 20-30 minutes. As well, we value your time traveling to and from the clinic so it is more efficient for you to come once every week or two rather than multiple, shorter treatments per week. 

How many treatments will I need?


We ask that you plan on having 3 treatments spaced out 1-2 weeks apart, following which time you should have some significant improvement. This give us the opportunity to identify the problem and see how your body responds to treatment. After that time we will have a good idea how many treatments you will require. If after 3 treatments there has been no change in your condition, it is unlikely that we can help you and we will make recommendations for next steps.  

Do I need to be an athlete to get treatment?


No. While we do work with many professional and elite athletes and this has helped us hone our skills, we are happy to help even the desk jockeys! Of course getting you moving better and stronger are always part of our goals, but we will do it in way that is best for your body and your lifestyle. Lasting results come from progressive consistency. 

What is Sports Performance Care?


Sports Performance Care is a speciality that we are passionate about! For Elite athletes of any age, we can help you achieve your highest potential. Often working together with Strength and Conditioning coaches, we find areas of dysfunction that you many not even be aware of to maximize your training and performance outcomes. This includes recovery protocols, past injury treatment that your body has adapted to but may not be fully resolved, injury prevention and ongoing 'maintenance'. Much like a fine tuned race car, athletes need continuous treatment to stay at the top of their game. Small, consistent improvements over time lead to winning results. Don't wait for an injury to happen. Come see us now and let us show you how to maximize your competitive advantage!

I've had therapy before- it didn't work for me-I guess i just have to live with the problem?


While it is true that some diseases cause lifelong problems, we have been able to help many people achieve a better quality of life and even resolve some very old injuries!

Do you have assistants?


No- you are getting our expertise for the entire time!

I thought clinics that offer a lot of different modalities like ultrasound and taping would be better?


We want to give you the biggest bang for your buck so we only use treatment techniques that create rapid lasting changes backed by research. 

Do I have to have pain to have treatment?


Absolutely not! While many people are motivated to get treatment because of pain and yes we can help you with that, it is often better to get treatment BEFORE you have pain. There are many precursors to problems such as tightness, weakness or sensitivity that can be addressed and prevent and injury from occurring. As they say- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! If you aren’t sure if you need treatment, come in for an assessment and let us help determine what your needs are.

Do I need a diagnosis or a Dr’s note?


No. In fact, most diagnosis are only a label of your symptoms, not the cause of the problem. Because we do a thorough health history and assessment, we are often better able to give you a more accurate, functional diagnosis and solution to your problem.

Have more questions or ready to book?

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