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Genetic testing for health and longevity

We offer comprehensive testing to identify your individual health profile. A simple cheek swab can tell you if you are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease (including cholesterol), diabetes and autoimmune disorders. Our test also identifies potential vitamin deficiencies, gluten and dairy sensitivities, inflammation, detoxification demands and enzymes responsible for mood, stress and productivity. We also identify, based on your genetic muscle fibre profile, which type of exercise you are best suited for and how you can expect your body to respond, including common musculoskeletal injuries and your risk profile.  

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"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." Thomas Edison

We couldn't agree more! Most of us need a little support to make sure we are getting enough of the proper nutrients. We've made it easy for you to get what you need delivered to your door. Set up your account and order away!

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